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CARRBORO, NC - Carrboro, NC Fire-Rescue Department recently took a step to increasing their firefighter comfort & safety by starting the process of replacing older, worn out fire station mattresses, most of which were anywhere from 8-10 years old. 

Chief Susanna Williams tasked Firefighter Robert Layton with researching and purchasing the new fire station mattresses and mattress protectors for all of their station's mattresses.

After contacting many different mattress companies as well as different local fire departments to see what they recommended, Layton chose the "Captain" model heavy-duty mattress with latex & memory foam to replace 8 worn out and uncomfortable spring mattresses at Station 1. For more information on this model, visit our page https://www.firestationfurniture.com/collections/mattresses/products/captain-11-heavy-duty-latex-memory-foam-mattress. 

"The customer service provided from Brandon was outstanding and the mattresses were delivered in a timely manner. The mattresses sleep great and are very comfortable. Paired with the waterproof mattress protector we are prepared for many years of great sleep! Thanks again to Brandon and all of the folks that outfitted our department with these great mattresses!!", said Layton.

The department recently placed a second order, and has plans to replace all of the mattresses in the Department's two stations over the coming year.

Recent studies have shown that sleep deprivation in the fire service is a growing concern, and can have serious effects on firefighter work, health & safety. “This is a critical issue for firefighters,” stresses Vicki Lee, program manager for the Safety, Health & Survival Section of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). Chronic lack of sleep has been linked to health complaints including musculoskeletal problems, weight gain, increased risk of sleep apnea and even heart disease and some cancers.

The IAFC’s sleep deprivation report states, “Firefighters have documented increases in their risks for cardiac disease and malignancies, which are also illnesses that may be promoted by the chronic sleep deprivation associated with long work hours.” A review of statistics shows that fatigue may be responsible for the “disproportionately higher fireground injury rates observed in the early morning hours.” It also shows that, “Fatigue when driving may increase the risk of crashes when driving following long work hours. Long commutes following work may be a particular hazard.”

About FireStationFurniture.com - Working Fire Furniture & Mattress Co., Inc. dba FireStationFurniture.com is a firefighter-owned and operated company proudly supplying top quality fire station furniture and mattresses to stations across the country. We offer a wide selection of solid-wood furniture, heavy-duty recliners, theater seating, mattresses and more. For more information visit their website, www.firestationfurniture.com or email help@firestationfurniture.com.

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